Monitoring in the workplace (Page 164)

1. How does information technology affect socioeconomic disparities? Explain your answer.

  • According to the article, information technology has great effect on Socioeconomic disparities. However, now that users have adapted to infomation-technology and have learned to utilize the new technology that is available to them more time is consumed on these media devices. Based on studies, it shows that children of poor families are spending a great deal more time than shorter for more well-off families using computers phones and television to consume media. 
  • Information technology has a great effect on socioeconomic disparities In the early days of personal computers and the Internet, some technology analysts and sociologists worried about a “digital divide,” where wealthier and more educated people were far more likely to take advantage of newer technologies then people from less- fortunate socioeconomic groups. This divide between the “haves” and “have-nots” has decreased over time as Internet access, personal computers, and smart phones have become cheaper than ever before. Information technology has a great effect on Socioeconomic disparities. Now that users have adapted to information-technology and have learned to utilize the new technology that is available to them more time is consumed on these media devices. Based on studies, it shows that children of poor families are spending a great deal more time than shorter for more well-off families using computers phones and television to consume media.

2. Why is access to technology insufficient to eliminate the digital divide? 

  • Having access to technology is insufficient to eliminate the digital divide because there is an increase in the usage of technology from those who are less fortunate and those who are well off. Those who are well off spend less time utilizing these technologies which ultimately still causes a digital divide between those who are wealthy and those who are poor.
  • In the early days, people who had money were able to access to the technology sooner compared to those not able to afford it. But now, for those unable to afford in the past has grabbed the chance to learn the latest technology when they have the ability.
  • Besides, it might be due to parental control is not equal because not everyone is concerned on the issue of controlling the amount of time spend on the electronic devices for their children.
  • Moreover, it might be also due to not all schools are having the funds to buy and adapt the newest technology and so there is some digital divide in the education field.

3.How serious a problem is the newdigital divided?Explain your answer.

    According to the article,I know the new digital divided is both a gift and curse more so a curse than a gift because now parents spend more time monitoring controlling the usage of technology it also affects the health concerns that come up with the over usage of technology. With the usage of the Internet smart phones and other modern technology the increased emphasis on visual processing ability rather than critical thinking and information retention are affecting our cognitive patterns.

4.Why is the digital divided problem an ethical dilemma?

The digital divide is an ethical dilemma because children have access to all kinds of information, both good and bad. Without parental control, a child can search for just about anything online and usually find what they are looking for. People are becoming more tech savvy and less social outside of social media. They spend their time looking at a computer screen instead of spending time with family and friends. Physical activities have dropped tremendously due to lack of motivation.

(1) Less social outside of social media. They spend their time looking at a computer screen instead of spending time with family and friends.

(2) Physical activities has dropped tremendously due to lack of motivation. 

(3) It has shown based on studies that if technology is  not properly used in moderation it affects the learning abilities of today's youth and  increases the gap of the digital divide. 
