Lego: Embracing Change by Combining BI with a Flexible Information System (Page 281)

Q1: Explain the role of the database in SAPs three-tier system.

The First-level: In the principal level, a customer interface program compose Graphical User Interface (GUI) running on either a workstation, work area, or cell phone. GUI is in the middle of the SAP framework and the client. It gets the client input, sends the contribution to application server for handling, and produces yields. 

The Second-level: The applications servers (the second level in the framework) get and process customers' solicitations. Thus, these application servers send the prepared solicitations to the database framework (the third level) which comprises of at least one social databases. 

The Third-level: This comprises of focal database framework which comprises of the database and Data Base Management System, it gets the prepared customers ask for from the second server to the database framework. SAP's business suite underpins databases from various sellers, including those offered by Oracle, Microsoft, MySQL, and others. The social databases contain tables that store information on Lego's items, day by day activities, the production network, and a large number of representatives. Supervisors can undoubtedly utilize the SAP question instrument to acquire reports from the databases since it doesn't require any specialized aptitude.

Q2: Explain why distributed architectures are flexible.

  • A distributed architecture system is a software system in which components located on networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages. The components interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal.  Data may be stored in multiple computers, located in the same physical location; or may be dispersed over a network of interconnected computers. A distributed database can reside on network servers on the Internet, on corporate intranets or extra nets, or on other company networks.
  • Distributed architectures store data across multiple computers, it allowing transactions to be processed on many machines, instead of being limited to one to improve efficiency. Users from different parts of the world may access the same data.  It shows that it is more flexible in providing information to the users and this is very helpful for a company like Lego which expands to many different locations.
  • They also bank on an improved performance of the machines, as data is located near the site of greatest demand, and the database systems themselves are paralleled, allowing load on the databases to be balanced among servers. A high load on one module of the database would not affect other modules of the database in a distributed database.
  • They are also more flexible for purposes of expansion of the database and transparency, as the data can be monitored on site of the specific computers as the data is potentially stored within the departments they relate to.
  • They are economically flexible and may cost less to create a network of smaller computers with the power of a single large computer.  Systems can be modified, added and removed from the distributed database without affecting other modules (systems).

Q3 Identify some of the business intelligence features included in SAPs business software suite.

  • A portion of the business knowledge includes in which inserted into SAP's three-level framework clearly had helped Lego in tending to the current business challenges and enhancing its productivity. 
  • In the store network administration, SAP's three-level framework is inserted with basic highlights where it could screen and dissect production network exercises. With the accessibility of common basic key feature(s), it empowers Lego's (center) administration to build legitimate determining, arranging and stock advancement toward its supply of (crude) material(s). 
  • Furthermore, in item lifecycle administration, SAP's three-level framework is furnished with vital expository feature(s) where it enables directors to distinguish and examine the present phase of its items. Given the conditions where the items have achieved development arrange in, let say, Denmark, directors would then choose to exchange items to another nation in which items' stage is still in development level. This thusly, enabling directors to upgrade items improvement and procedures in which in the long run decide Lego's gainfulness. 
  • Consequently, SAP's three-level framework additionally being joined with big business asset arranging (ERP) application by which fundamentally utilized for faculty organization and advancement exercises. Through common business insight, chiefs can have the capacity to choose the best applicants (in light of execution measurement(s)), plan their preparation and make boost plan(s) as the implied of holding very much performed representatives. Thus, it enables Lego's directors to track representatives' authority potential, build up their professions and legitimate assignment of human asset arranging.

Q4 What are the main advantages and disadvantages of having multiple databases in a distributed architecture? Explain.

         Advantages: Safe

  • Multiple databases contains the tables that store data on product, daily operation, supply chain and thousands of employees.
  • Managers can easily use the SAP query tool to obtain reports from the database because it does not require any technical skills.
  • Distributed architecture enables authorized personnel to have direct access to database system from the companys various locations including in Europe, North America and Asia. They can retrieve the data anytime at any places where it improve efficiencies to their work.

         Disadvantages: High Cost
  • The additional overhead of these transactions can be a performance penalty when the total amount of data in the network is small. Users also see slower performance when accessing data that is not local. 
  • Increased the use of database space. Every table must exist in every database. When the number of tables is very large, the amount of space used can be significant. Administrators must use database storage parameters to size tables and reduce database space consumption.
  • Administrators must keep the schemes of all database synchronized and ensure that the network is configured to take optimal advantage of the distributed-database environment in term of availability and performance. Although database backups are more flexible in a distributed-database environment, multiple databases add complexity to the backup process.
